Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Bollon State School Mosaic -Wallam Creek

Gael and Saskia polishing the mosaic getting it ready.
The 36 mosaic panels were created by the 36 students in the school. What a fantastic job they did!!! It looks beautiful erected on the wall of the new resource centre. Thanks to Dion & Rob for their invaluable help in putting it up for us.


Little hands making magic

each panel tells a story

taken at midnight after grouting 36 panels to be ready for installing the next day. The head scarf is for preventing insects crawling into  my ears.

The community looked after us so well. We were overwhelmed by the kindness of everyone. Thank you Bollon.
les,gael and saskia

Mosaic funded by RADF Grant. 

1 comment:

  1. Mos brilliant, love this project
